Youth Network | Black Creek Youth Initiative | Toronto

  • (647) 706 2924

Importance of Remembrance Day

Importance of Remembrance Day

November 11th of every year is known to be the day as Remembrance Day, which is also known

as Veterans Day. You might have seen those red flower pins that are in a white box at your local grocery

stores or fast-food restaurants. Sometimes you would see two people in a uniform holding a box filled

with them asking for a donation outside entrance and exit doors. Those red flowers are called poppies

and those are worn to pay tribute to those who gave their lives in war because poppies grew on the

fields where the soldiers would battle. This day is a day to remember the living survivors and those

soldiers who made sacrifices for our country. You might wonder, “why is this important for me to

know?” Well, it is a time where you can honor the soldiers and all their courage that they display while

performing their duties. It can be a way for us to understand the outcomes of war and hope to promote

a reason to work towards more of a peaceful world. If you want to know more ways to learn more

information you can do the following:

1. Share your questions and thoughts in this forum for us to connect with you to give you more


2. Wear a poppy to help you remember it’s significance

3. Watch documentary or videos to gather more information

Share down below on ways you will remember the fallen soldiers!


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