Youth Network | Black Creek Youth Initiative | Toronto

  • (647) 706 2924
Community BBQ

Community BBQ

Since its inception in 2018, the Black Creek Youth Initiative has proudly hosted an annual summer BBQ, cementing itself as a cherished tradition within our community. Each year, this vibrant event draws in over 150 community members alongside more than 20 dedicated volunteers, all coming together to celebrate and connect. The gatherings are characterized by an abundance of complimentary BBQ and refreshing cold drinks, set against the backdrop of an energizing live DJ set. Moreover, the event is a hit among our younger attendees, thanks to an array of engaging games and generous prizes. This program exemplifies our commitment to fostering a sense of unity and joy within the community, showcasing the positive and lasting impact of the Black Creek Youth Initiative.

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Holiday and Christmas Parties

Holiday and Christmas Parties

Embracing the festive spirit, the Black Creek Youth Initiative’s annual holiday and Christmas parties stand as a highlight of our seasonal programming, especially anticipated by the younger members of our community. The excitement in the air is palpable as the festive season approaches, with our children’s enthusiasm shining brightest. These events not only serve as a platform for celebration but also as an invaluable opportunity for growth and development among the participating children.


Demonstrating remarkable initiative and leadership, the children take the reins in planning and executing the event, from the initial concept to the final touches. They fully immerse themselves in decorating and styling the venue, transforming it into a winter wonderland that reflects their unique vision and creativity. This hands-on experience fosters a sense of responsibility, teamwork, and artistic expression, allowing their talents and leadership skills to flourish.

Through these holiday and Christmas parties, the Black Creek Youth Initiative celebrates the joy of the season while nurturing the potential of our community’s youth. It’s a time of togetherness, festivity, and showcasing the remarkable abilities of our children, making it one of the most beloved and impactful programs in our calendar.

The Zine Project

The Zine Project

The Zine Project, stands as a cornerstone among our endeavors, embodying our commitment to challenging stereotypes and fostering a deeper understanding within our community. Thanks to our partners at Equitas, the International Centre for Human Rights Education, this was made possible. This pioneering project, launched at the very outset of our organization’s journey, was crafted in response to the myriad stereotypes that young people in our community were navigating. Through the medium of zines—self-published, small-circulation works of art and literature—our youth found a powerful avenue for self-expression and advocacy.

The impact of the Zine Project has been profound and multifaceted. It provided a platform for the youth to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives, effectively challenging preconceived notions and stereotypes about them. These zines became not just works of art but potent tools for advocacy, shedding light on the complexities of the young creators’ identities and experiences. The process of creating and sharing their zines empowered the participants, fostering a sense of agency and belonging. They were not only contributors but also key actors in shaping the narrative about their lives and their community.

An especially memorable milestone of the Zine Project was the creation of our organization’s official logo, conceived and designed by one of the talented youths participating in the project. This logo stands as a testament to the creativity and agency of our community’s youth, encapsulating the spirit of the Black Creek Youth Initiative. It symbolizes the project’s lasting legacy and our organization’s foundational values of empowerment, creativity, and community engagement.

The Zine Project exemplifies how art can serve as a bridge between diverse experiences and perspectives, fostering a more inclusive and understanding community. It has set a precedent for how we approach our initiatives, always aiming to amplify the voices of our youth and leverage their creativity for social change. The project’s ongoing impact continues to inspire our work, reminding us of the power of youth-led initiatives in challenging stereotypes and building a more inclusive society. 

Speaking Rights National Training

Speaking Rights National Training

The National Speaking Rights Forum, organized by our esteemed partner, Equitas, served as a pivotal platform for the Black Creek Youth Initiative, particularly through our Community Action Project, The Zine. This forum provided an unparalleled opportunity for our youth to showcase their work to a diverse audience of institutions and organizations across Canada, amplifying their voices and extending the reach of their advocacy efforts. Participation in this national forum not only elevated the project but also significantly impacted the young individuals involved.

As our youth took the stage at the National Speaking Rights Forum, they emerged as community champions, embodying the spirit of leadership and advocacy. Their presentations and stories of the creation and impact of The Zine Project captivated audiences, showcasing the power of youth-led initiatives in fostering social change. This exposure was instrumental in not just sharing their unique perspectives and achievements but also in learning from the experiences of their peers engaged in similar groundbreaking projects across the country.

The participants were recognized for their contributions and efforts with certificates of participation, a tangible acknowledgment of their hard work, dedication, and the vital role they played in the success of the Community Action Project. However, the benefits extended far beyond these certificates. The forum offered a rich learning environment where our youth could engage with, and draw inspiration from, other young activists and change-makers. This exchange of ideas and experiences fostered a sense of solidarity, broadened their understanding of social issues, and equipped them with new insights and strategies for advocacy.

Through their involvement in the National Speaking Rights Forum, our youth not only showcased The Zine Project but also enhanced their skills, deepened their commitment to social justice, and forged connections with a network of like-minded individuals across Canada. The experience was transformative, reinforcing their status as leaders within their community and beyond. It exemplified the profound impact of giving young people the platforms and opportunities to share their work, learn from others, and grow as advocates and community champions. 

Community Through music

Community Through music

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Black Creek Youth Initiative hosted a special event called “Community Through Music.” This event was all about bringing people together online to listen to music and talk about important issues like racism, unfair treatment, and safety in our neighborhoods.

We had this event on the internet, so people from all over could join from their homes. Many musicians and singers from Toronto came to perform their songs and share stories about why they care about these big problems in our society. After they played their music, they talked with the audience, answering questions and sharing ideas about how we can all help make things better.

Even though we couldn’t meet in person because of the pandemic, the event was a big hit. Lots of people came to watch and talk, and it felt like we were all together, even though we were really in different places. Everyone learned something new and felt more connected to each other.

People really liked how the event used music to talk about serious topics in a way that was easy to understand. They said it was a great way to learn and think about how we can all work to fix these problems in our community.

“Community Through Music” showed us that even when we can’t be close to each other, we can still share important moments and help each other through tough times. It was a big success, and it made us all feel more hopeful and ready to make a difference.

Black Lives and the System

Black Lives and the System

The Black Creek Youth Initiative took a significant step forward in fostering understanding and change within our community through the “Black Lives and the System” series. This bi-weekly Zoom video/podcast became a vital forum where people from all walks of life, including political figures and community members, could come together in an open, respectful environment.

Designed to be an inclusive space, these sessions encouraged everyone to share their stories, ask questions, and learn from one another. Over a period of 18 months, under the leadership of our Executive Director, Destin Bujang, we delved into a wide range of topics affecting BIPOC individuals. Discussions spanned from microaggressions and systemic racism to carding, over-policing, racial profiling, and the interactions of youth with the justice and child welfare systems.

What made these sessions particularly impactful were the expert opinions and insights shared by guest speakers from esteemed organizations dedicated to fighting systemic racism, including the Black Legal Action Centre, Human Rights Legal Support Centre, Justice for Children and Youth, and many more Their contributions added depth to our discussions, providing valuable perspectives on the issues at hand and potential pathways toward meaningful change. 

Financial Literacy 101

Financial Literacy 101

The “Financial Literacy 101 Series” by the Black Creek Youth Initiative is a dynamic educational program aimed at enhancing financial understanding and skills among community members, especially young adults. Through a series of interactive workshops, participants are introduced to crucial financial concepts like budgeting, saving, investing, and managing credit. Designed to be accessible and engaging, the series uses real-life scenarios and hands-on activities to make complex financial topics relatable. 

Financial professionals contribute their expertise, offering practical advice and insights. This initiative not only empowers individuals to make informed financial decisions but also contributes to the broader goal of building a financially literate and stable community.

Uniting for impact: Amplifying diverse voices to shape a brighter tomorrow

Uniting for impact: Amplifying diverse voices to shape a brighter tomorrow

We Believe that We can Save More Lifes with you

We Believe that We can Save More Lifes with you

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 Human Rights

Human Rights