Youth Network | Black Creek Youth Initiative | Toronto

  • (647) 706 2924
Who We Are

Who We Are

Youth decided, Youth-led
The Black Creek Youth Initiative (BCYI) is a youth-driven organization that offers a welcoming and inclusive environment for young individuals in Toronto's Black Creek area. This organization delivers a range of services aimed at helping youth and young adults overcome systemic obstacles and enhance their mental health.

Established in response to the challenges highlighted by the community’s youth, BCYI provides essential programs that equip young individuals with the necessary tools and resources to navigate systemic barriers and boost their mental wellbeing. The initiative emerged from the recognized need within the community to engage youth in activities and programs that foster skill development through

 professional guidance, experiential learning, mentorship, leadership training, and active community participation.

The BCYI goes beyond personal development to instill a sense of civic duty and community involvement among the youth. By engaging them in community projects, the initiative opens doors for these young individuals to become active contributors to their community’s welfare. These projects not only serve the community but also act as a platform for the youth to apply their newly acquired skills in real-world scenarios, transforming them into community champions.

Uniting for impact: Amplifying diverse voices to shape a brighter tomorrow

Uniting for impact: Amplifying diverse voices to shape a brighter tomorrow

We Believe that We can Save More Lifes with you

We Believe that We can Save More Lifes with you

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 Human Rights

Human Rights